Friday, November 20, 2009

A Day in the Park 2009

A Day in the Park is an idea I have been kicking around for some time now. I had talked about wanting to do it so much I wasn't sure it would actually happen. In theory its a pretty simple idea. Go to New York City and spend the day photographing central park and fly home that night. One day, one shot and see what happens. The idea of combining my enthusiasm for shooting natural environments combined with views of the largest city in the US was a no-brainer. I had saved money for the plane tickets out of eBaying many items I no longer need or use. That part felt good. A useful experience out of no longer needed consumer goods!

Flights leaving at 7am and around 7pm were booked and I did a bit of research on the park and off I went. Seven rolls of film later I was in a cab riding to the airport to come home. An amazing day. Completely exhausted though as I had only slept 4 hours the night before leaving. The results are pretty nice overall if I do say so. I learned alot more about how to shoot in mid-day light and got alot of practice framing and shooting sites I had never seen before in person in such a way that they were photographs and not tourist shots. Must say that the iPhone was indispensable for keeping me apprised of what cross streets I was located near even when I was in the center of the park. Made finding landmarks pretty simple.


shaloot said...

ah-ha! So that's the story behind those neat NYC Central Park photos!

So where is your next "Day in the Park"?

shaloot said...

Ps - it's me Shaloot